
  • 1-hour Initial Appointment

    For new visitors to our clinic, we recommend starting with a comprehensive one-hour initial appointment to ensure personalised care.

  • 45-minute Appointment

    A 45-minute appointment is perfect for addressing multiple areas or if it's been some time since your last visit.

  • 30-minute Appointment

    For specific concerns involving one area, our 30-minute appointment delivers targeted care efficiently.

Cupping & Dry Needling Included

Cupping and Dry Needling are integrated into all consultations at no extra charge. These therapeutic techniques are seamlessly incorporated to complement your personalised treatment plan, ensuring you receive comprehensive care.

Health Fund Rebates Available

Good news! Our clinic offers health fund rebates, which means you can receive a refund for a portion of your medical expenses. The best part? No formal referral is required.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you save money on your healthcare costs.

Shoe Fitting Appointments

Shoe fitting appointments are available by booking in advance to ensure the perfect fit. As fittings are done individually, scheduling an appointment is essential to provide dedicated assistance. Please use the online booking link to set up your appointment at your convenience. Discover your ideal pair with personalised help!